My Statement

The Case For Change

We currently live in a time where, because of how our our current paradigm is stratified (socially, economically, culturally, etc), we face vapid inequality, ecological collapse, and the erosion of our humanity and civil liberties.

Our economy, while continuing to function on the premise of scarcity, wastes a colossal amount of our earth's resources. Through things like planned obsolescence, marketing, and so on, our economy has created a culture of vulgar consumerism, where people are told to keep on buying things they often don't need, often ignoring the ecological impacts of this consumption in the process.

The capitalist market system is inefficient, because its inherent inequalities make it difficult for the people who need resources the most to gain access to them, while a small few control more resources than they could ever use in their lifetime. In our current monetary system, the people with the least amount of money starve, while at the same time we waste 30% of the food we produce, just to give an example.

We have national barriers, and identities we associate with them, which are entirely socially constructed, and don't exist in nature. Geographical borders are arbitrary because they are often not drawn based on natural features, and this wouldn't make much of a difference in reality. People often justify nationalism as a way of grouping people into people of similar cultures, but actually, cultures and attitudes aren't defined by borders. For example, people from two different parts of the same country are likely to have slight cultural differences; this doesn't necessitate a border, so why have them at all?

Through government enforcement, and the imposition of social norms, our civil liberties are hindered. Free speech, expression, association, autonomy, and will, should be the hallmarks of a free and open society.

In spite of all the problems we currently face, we are also at a point in time where we face new and unique opportunities to change and shape our world in a radically different manner.

Through using the latest that science and technology has to offer, we can provide today, most goods and services free of cost. Through advancements in production, material science and recycling, as well as food, energy, and water production, we are able to produce a relatively abundant supply of resources to meet the world's needs.

Through these same advancements, we can guarantee every human being a high standard of living that is also ecologically sustainable. Through things like Resource Management Systems, having access over ownership, gift over exchange, and more - a Resource Based Economy - we can provide an 'access abundance' to every reasonable need and want without any form of money, debt, trade, or servitude, with the resources needed to produce such declared the common heritage of mankind.

Without the need for money, we could both automate the most menial productive tasks, while eliminating the majority of jobs today, many of which hinge on the existence of the monetary market system to exist.

Through the culmination of RBEs, radical social cohesion, respect for liberty and ecology, among other things - a term I and others collectively refer to as 'Community' - we can create a new social order that embraces human freedom and interdependance with each other, with our technological creations, and with the natural world.


  1. Hi Adam,
    My partner and I really love your work are currently setting in motion plans to expand the RBE message. It would be great to touch base and discuss some possible future directions. Keep up the great video work

    Regards Ande

    1. Hi. Sorry its been so long, I haven't used this page in ages. but thanks for the feedback. I'm on Discord fyi :)


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